11 January 2007
Parks Canada Website - A Citizen's View (4)
In the Parks Canada webpage History of the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada, the following text appears:
"In 1951, the Royal Commission on National Development in the Arts, Letters and Sciences noted the imbalance of the HSMBC's commemorative program and recommended that more attention be paid to preservation. In 1953, the Historic Sites and Monuments Act established the HSMBC by statute, enlarged it, and gave it increased resources. An amendment in 1955 specified the power to recommend national designation for buildings by reason of their age or architectural design. Thereafter, it studied more Canadian built heritage, expanding the concept to include streetscapes, districts, gardens, and urban and rural landscapes. With the introduction of the Heritage Railway Stations Act in 1989, the HSMBC was given the additional duty of evaluating Heritage Railway Stations. The Board continues to deal with the great number of requests for recognition of places, people and events in the various aspects of Canadian political, economic and social history..."
From a citizen's point of view, it would be a big help if this text included links (indicated by boldface type above) pointing toward additional information, such as, in the case of Acts, the Act text, etc.
"In 1951, the Royal Commission on National Development in the Arts, Letters and Sciences noted the imbalance of the HSMBC's commemorative program and recommended that more attention be paid to preservation. In 1953, the Historic Sites and Monuments Act established the HSMBC by statute, enlarged it, and gave it increased resources. An amendment in 1955 specified the power to recommend national designation for buildings by reason of their age or architectural design. Thereafter, it studied more Canadian built heritage, expanding the concept to include streetscapes, districts, gardens, and urban and rural landscapes. With the introduction of the Heritage Railway Stations Act in 1989, the HSMBC was given the additional duty of evaluating Heritage Railway Stations. The Board continues to deal with the great number of requests for recognition of places, people and events in the various aspects of Canadian political, economic and social history..."
From a citizen's point of view, it would be a big help if this text included links (indicated by boldface type above) pointing toward additional information, such as, in the case of Acts, the Act text, etc.